Aside: I use the term spine in this blog, so I have been thinking about it as it is often used in modern Charlotte Mason speak. For example, a history spine would be the main book you would use for history, though there might be other side books you use in conjunction with it. With a simple search of Mason’s Volumes, though, I do not find the word spine used in this way. Perhaps a more thorough search of Parents’ Review articles or other vintage CM publications could reveal something else. Until then I will take the term as modern but also widely accepted in the CM community.
Last week I wrote about planning for the new school year. This week I share more about choosing a curriculum spine.
A spine. We all have one, and, when functioning optimally, our spines are a blessing to us. When they are damaged and not working properly, though every bit as vital, our spines become a major source of pain. So whether helping or hurting, what should our spine be doing? I like this short list of functions.
Functions of the Spine1
The three main functions of the spine are to:
- Protect the spinal cord, nerve roots and several of the body’s internal organs.
- Provide structural support and balance to maintain an upright posture.
- Enable flexible motion.
This is what I want my choice of a Charlotte Mason curriculum to do: to serve as a healthy spine which will protect, provide support and balance, and enable flexibility. [Read more…] about Planning: Choose a Curriculum Spine Part 1

You may learn more about Dawn on the CMER speaker page.