Warm greetings from Colorado! I’m Jennifer Taylor, member of the CMER team. What a blessing it was to share such a beautiful weekend with many of you at the CMER earlier this month. This community of love and support touches my soul and is a source of encouragement for me year after year.
In addition to my role with CMER, I have the privilege of offering a Charlotte Mason homeschool enrichment program to families living in and around Colorado Springs. Rose Cottage School is a tuition based program that exists to support, enrich, and enhance a CM home education. Students 1st-5th grade experience the enjoyment of learning with their peers by participating in weekly lessons. Parents gain support by having an experienced CM home educator supplement their core curriculum. In community, we share the calling to educate children with the beauty and richness of a Mason education.
Enrollment is now open for 2024-2025 and I am excited to share that Rose Cottage School will have new offerings this fall! RCS is expanding to include two program options: The Arts and Nature Study. The Arts program will meet on Thursday mornings and includes Artist Study, Shakespeare, Hymn and Folk Singing, Handicrafts, Composer Study, and Folk Dancing. Our Nature Study program will meet on Tuesday afternoons and includes Object Lessons, Nature Walks, and Nature Journaling. Families are welcome to enroll in one or both programs. Please visit the website for more details.
In addition, to support our RCS families in pursuing education as “an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life” plans are in the works to offer parents opportunities to learn more about a Charlotte Mason education and build community through scheduled events. Stay tuned!
If you or someone you know is looking for a Charlotte Mason enrichment program to complement your homeschool, email [email protected] to request an application for enrollment.
Peace and every blessing!

After earning a Masters in Education, Jennifer enjoyed a rewarding career as a public school teacher. Homeschooling never entered her mind. Upon discovering Charlotte Mason’s deep knowledge of educating the whole child, she was inspired to home educate her three children. Since then, she has spent over a decade awakening to the richness of a Charlotte Mason education and gifting this to her children, now in high school and college.
Over the years, Jennifer has served her local Charlotte Mason community in various ways to include leading a multi-age co-op and book study, as well as offering assessments and consultations to CM families. As one of the founding members of the CMER, she enjoys speaking annually at this beautiful retreat. Currently, she is the director of Rose Cottage School, a CM homeschool enrichment program. You can learn more about her offerings at A Sacred Education.