This past February, we tried something new. For an optional evening activity, we acted out King Lear. No rehearsals or costumes; super simple props.
With plenty of participants, each scene had its own cast. It was enjoyable to see how the characters varied from scene to scene, nuanced by the personality and interpretation of their actors.
After a very brief introduction to the play, we passed out scripts. Each group assembled and took just a few minutes to discuss their scene and select props.
For scripts, we used Nick Newlin’s 30-Minute Shakespeare. Mr. Newlin has prepared scripts with students in mind. As the title suggests, the plays are abridged but still retain the original language and flavor. He also provides stage directions and suggested props for a truly pick-up-and-go experience.
It was great fun, as you can see from this year’s comments! Come back soon as we reveal the selection for 2023.
LOVED this. Haven’t had this much fun in a long time.
I didn’t realize Shakespeare can be even more fun to act out than to watch. Memorable evening.
I hope we do this again!
This was fun and I loved seeing everyone’s different personalities.
So much fun! Please do this again! I told my kids all about it and now we may do this to wrap up our own Shakespeare reading each term.
I LOVED the Shakespeare evening. I was in Drama in High School and it reminded me of how fun acting can be. I will need to do this with my children. The 30 minute Shakespeare idea is a great way to celebrate the end of a play.
Good times!
Can we do this every year?
So much fun and laughter! It reminded me to keep props simple when teaching –thank you! Would love to do this again!