Advent is here.
The arrival of Advent caught me off guard this year. I am realizing how big of a part the seasons play in our rhythm of life. This past summer our family moved from Colorado to Georgia. Here in Georgia there is no snow. The weather has been quite warm. There are still leaves on many of the trees. How can it be Thanksgiving, Advent, and just a few weeks from Christmas?
Handel’s Messiah
Tonight my family begins to listen to Handel’s Messiah. For several years, we have been using Cindy Rollins’s 25 Days to Handel’s Messiah: An Advent Devotional Guide.
We begin by reading the opening scripture. Then, we listen to the listed pieces. If we miss a day, we simply double up on a different night.
We have chosen to use Youtube for our music, and our favorite version is Stephen Cleobury conducting King’s College, Cambridge Choir.
The Guide
Cindy Rollins gave me permission to share the guide I made for my family to help with reading the scripture and getting to the right spot in the video. Please, let me know if you find any errors.
I hope our family’s simple tradition is a blessing for you as you contemplate this advent season.

You may learn more about Dawn on the CMER speaker page.