This post is part of our series on our favorite homeschool resources.
I have shared in the past about the lesson record sheets I use, but I have made some minor changes and want to give you the updated version.
You will find the lesson records in this Google Sheet. There are 5 sheets. Feel free to copy them, edit them, and share them. If you have an idea on how to make them better, please share it with us.
How I Use Them
For those who are not familiar with the sheets, they are a place for me to record what we accomplish in each subject each day.
There are 5 sheets to correspond to the number of days you repeat a subject (LR1, LR2, LR3, LR4, and LR5). For example, I use the LR1 sheet for American History as it is once a week, and I use the LR2 sheet for dictation as it is twice a week.
In the table on the top of the sheet, I record our main subject (for example Science), our sub-subject (for example Biology), the title of the book, and our starting/ending page/chapter. There is also a place to make notes.
After the child narrates, I make a few brief notes on what the child shared. This might only be the chapter title or at most a sentence or two summary. For subjects like grammar or dictation, I will record the topic or passage.
Finally, I print each child’s lesson records on a different color of paper (see the examples below). I will share in a future post how I organize them in a binder.
- A record. I have a concise record of what each child has accomplished in each subject for the year.
- Recap help. When I ask the child what he recalls from the week before, sometimes he needs a little help. Usually, my notes are enough for me to give the child just a word or two to help him get going.
- Exam help. The record makes it very easy for me to look back on the term and write exam questions.
If you have used these lesson records in the past, here is a brief summary of the changes I have made.
- I changed the top of the sheet to include a space for me to make notes. Previously, the subject headers stretched the width of the sheet. I found I was making subject or book notes in the margin or in the first week row on a regular basis.
- I included a week for exams. The previous version stopped at week 11. Our third term of the 2018-2019 school year was only 11 weeks long (as opposed to our normal 12), and I used the week 11 for exams. I found I really liked having a place to write down the exam questions on our lesson records.
- I have added a spot above the notes section to record the school year, grade, and term.
From the Google Sheet, choose Print. This will open the Print Settings page.
- Page Orientation: Choose Portrait.
- Scale: Choose Fit to Width.
- Margins: Choose Custom Numbers and set each margin to 0.7″.
After you select Next, this should open a 2-page PDF. I print 2-sided lesson records.
Please note, my examples are of a previous version of my lesson records. I will be implementing the new version next term. I apologize that some are hard to read because of my use of pencil on a darker paper. I now actual only use pen on the record sheets. A blank square means we missed the subject that week, and I didn’t write down the reason.
Handwriting, 5th grade
Grammar, 9th grade
Shakespeare, 7th grade
Physics, 11th grade
I hope these lesson records are a help to you.
You may learn more about Dawn on the CMER speaker page.
Lori Mraz says
Hello Dawn! This is Lori in NE and I just now stumbled across these wonderful planning pages. It is uncanny how many times I have found just what I am looking for by reading your posts. Thank you for your Advent and Lenten music and devotion recommendations. We started them both… maybe next year we will successfully finish them.
I have a question. I see that these are your teacher planning pages, but you mentioned that each student has a notebook with pages. Are they the same pages, just filled out by the students, or different pages? If the answer to that is on this site somewhere and I have just not poked around in the right place, just point me in the right direction.
Praying for your family in this time of transition.
Dawn Rhymer says
Thank you for this encouraging note. I am glad you have found the pages helpful.
The students do have a binder, but they are different. They do not have these lesson records. The binders are divided by subject, and they have pages they need for those respective subjects. The current tabs are: Schedule, Bible (there is a century chart here), Book of Centuries (pictures I may have printed out for them or a list of future ideas), Picture Study (prints and memory sketches), Plutarch (century chart, maps), Recitation (their daily pieces), Shakespeare (character chart), Paper (lined and blank), and Maps (I have 8 tabs–one for the world and one for each continent). These tabs can change from Term to Term and sometimes even in the middle of the Term depending on our needs. For example, we used to have a tab for hymns, but now we sing out of book.
Nicole Cox says
These are wonderful planning sheets!! I’m wondering if you have any pictures you could share about how you fill in the new sheets. It helps me immensely to see things visually! Thanks for sharing 😊