We are happy to offer two options for the purchase of Picture Studies for those attending the retreat this year. Please read through the options carefully; option one is available by pre-order only.
OPTION ONE: A Humble Place is offering retreat attendees a 15% discount on Picture Study Aids, Art Prints, as well as Seasonal Art Devotions & Prints, limited to in-stock items. These items will be available for pick-up at the CMER Retreat (free shipping & handling) or may be shipped (standard shipping & handling fees apply). A coupon code and more details will be sent out via email.
OPTION TWO: The CMER will continue to have budget-quality art prints available for purchase at the retreat (no pre-order necessary). These will be $4 a set. This year we will have Bierstadt, Audubon, Remington, Vermeer, Gainsborough, and Millet. There will also be various artists available from previous years.
What is the difference between these offerings?
- The prints available from A Humble Place are printed on the equivalent of 160# cardstock on a higher quality printer. Also available are Picture Study Aids which complement the prints. In addition, the prints from A Humble Place are unlabeled; they do not have the name of the artist or work on the front of the print.
- The prints available from the CMER will be printed on 120# cardstock through Best Value Copy and most will have both the name of the artist and work on the front of the print.