But Cordeill said she lov'd him, as behoov'd: Whose simple answer, wanting colors fair To paint it forth, him to displeasance moov'd, That in his crown he counted her no heir, But twixt the other twaine his kingdom whole did share. Spenser’s The Fairie Queene Book II, Canto X
The Shakespeare evening would come to be looked on as a family festa.
Mason, Vol. 5, p.226
This year at the retreat, we will be offering a Shakespeare evening. After a full day of workshops and sessions, we invite you to join us for a very relaxed and informal reading with the Bard. No preparation needed; scripts and a few props for fun will be provided. Spouses who join us on Saturday for the late afternoon/evening sessions are most welcome.
If you are not familiar with the storyline, read Nesbit’s brief story version here. And, if you would like to read a Parents’ Review article about King Lear, click here.